Recipes & specialities,
Provence & Nice

Marie Silvioni - Sébastien Verdière


Differentiated by a few subtle nuances, these two adjacent regions have developed the same exquisite unforgettable cuisine that has captivated gourmets and now found its place in the great tradition of French gastronomy. Featuring forty of the most typical traditionnal recipes of Nice and Provence, with special tribute to the characteristic produce of these sun-drenched lands bordering on the Mediterranean Sea, this book and its authors Marie Silvioni and Sébastien Verdière aim quite simply to share good food and happiness.

15 x 21 cm I 64 pages I
Version anglaise
120 photographies

ISBN : 978-2-91560-655-3 I Parution : Mai 2008
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Livraison OFFERTE dès 40 € d’achat

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