
À la table de Nicole

Jacques Gantié et Nicole Rubi - Patrice Lapoirie


In Nice, La Petite Maison is an institution : more than a restaurant, it is like an inn in the centre of town, high-profile, coveted, controversial, unlike any other. Here, Jacques Gantié and Nicole Rubi reflect the spirit of Southern France, with nearly a hundred recipes, from Nice, Provence and the Mediterranean : petits farcis, gnocchi, ratatouille, brouillade, tiramisu, all are everyday dishes illustrated by Patrice Lapoirie’s photographs, and really easy to prepare. They enhance any family meal, a table of friends or a festive meal. This is sun-drenched cuisine in the style of La Petite Maison : Nicole’s table.

17 x 24 cm I 160 pages I
Relié avec anneaux
Version anglaise
30 photographies

ISBN : 978-2-91560-664-5 I Parution : Mai 2008
Disponible à la vente

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Livraison OFFERTE dès 40 € d’achat

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